Monday, September 15, 2008

Democratic Space seat projections federal election.

Democratic Space has a new Federal Election website here.

The most recent seat projections are from Sept. 12 so they don't include the weekend polls. The number in parentheses after the number of seats is the popular vote percentage. A majority requires 155 seats so the Conservatives are very close to that and they seem to have momentum on their side for the moment.

Conservatives 146 (38.3)

Liberals 91 (26.5)

NDP 30 (17.5)

Bloc 39 (8.5)

Green 0 (8.3)

Other 2 (1.0)

The Liberals do not seem to be going anywhere. However, on election day it would not be surprising if quite a number of Greens vote for the Liberals and some NDP voters may vote strategically as well. The decision to make the Green Shift a prime plank in Liberal policy was probably a bad move. Even though there are offsetting tax cuts the overall reaction

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